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Salt cave in the "Skal" hotel in Ustronie Morskie


Investment completion date March 18, 2022.

  1. Grotto with an area of ​​36 m2.

  2. Walls made of split salt bricks.

  3. Salt lamps made of natural blocks mounted in the walls.

  4. Graduation tower in a wooden casing with blackthorn plum 3.0 m x 0.9 m x 2.2 m.

  5. Salt aerosol generator.

  6. "Starry sky" from fiber optics.

  7. Illuminated salt corner.

  8. Wooden barrels with salt lamps.

  9. The floor is sprinkled with salt granules.

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Kazimierz Łapczuk, Marek Matusik

Produkcja tężni solankowych i grot solnych

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